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Weekly Healing Group

The Free Monthly Healings I’ve been doing have been so popular, I’ve decided to offer weekly healings, in addition to the monthly healings, at a very low price.  For only $28 per month for yourself (or $56/mo for you and up to four family members), you will receive a distance healing each week, usually on Sunday night...that’s about $7 per healing!  You can also interact with me and have your questions answered on my Facebook page.  Membership is month to month...there is no contract, no long-term may cancel any time.  Why not give it a try?

Try it Now! Only $1.00 for the First Month!

Cancel Any Time...No Commitment

Family Plan

Here’s what some people are saying about my group distance healings:

**My knees are healed and my arthritis is gone.


**I was able to walk into Church this am without crutches or a walker, something I haven't been able to do for months now.


**Im bipolar and I’ve been having an episode all day I feel ok now like my coping skills are kicking in a again and I can get back to being positive. Thank you :)


**I couldn't really walk or bend my right knee~was afraid that i would have to start taking that Gout medicine again (awful side effects), but it got better! (snap) just like that**


**I am amazed that at least 3 times this week I have slept for 8 hours!  So, for any who aren't sure about Reiki that fact alone is testament of Reiki's healing power as I have for over 35 years had a "sleep disorder." Usually I get 2 to 4 hours of sleep.


**Jeff! Did you do something extra special for me last night? I feel great today! Emotionally and physically!


**Thank You. I really needed it . I had a headache then it just disappeared. I feel great. Have a great weekend!


**Thank you. although I was not aware what time you sent out healing I'm sure it blessed many.  I for one awoke this morning to realize a constant knee pain had subsided.. Thank you!


**Thank you, slept like a baby!

Family Plan

Home Study Reiki

Learn to Heal Yourself and Others

If You'd Like a Personal Healing, Click Here

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